Dear Bob,
Well done for making your love list and regularly adding to it. I know it is amazing the difference it can make to your day when you increase doing things that you love.
During a course on mindfulness meditation I learnt a short, sharp and sweet breathing activity that brings you into the moment and can help manage some symptoms of anxiety. This is based on the understanding in neuroscience that we can only think one thought at time- so a way to manage negative thoughts is to ensure that what we are focusing on in the moment is something that moves us or keeps us in a positive state. This focus can be by simply focusing on our breathing and noticing what we notice about what we are thinking and therefore feeling. We notice without judgement for ourselves on what we notice – we notice what we notice with compassion and understanding for ourselves.
This 3 minute breathing space is marvellous in getting you to focus on the moment and therefore change from having negative thoughts.
Bring yourself into the moment by deliberately adopting an erect and dignified posture. Close your eyes and ask ‘ what is going on with me at the moment? What is my experience right now in thoughts, in feelings and in my bodily sensations.?’ Notice and acknowledge your experience. Accept all of your experiences and stay with them for a few moments, allowing any challenging feelings or experiences to be present.
Then gently redirect your full attention to your breathing, to each in breath and to each out breath as they follow one after the other. Don’t change your breathing just notice what you notice about how you are breathing. Tune into a state of awareness and stillness.
Expand your awareness now to the rest of your body noticing your posture, facial expression and the space around you. Notice any tension, resistance or any sense of discomfort in your body. Take your awareness into any of these sensations by breathing into them on the in breath. Then, breath out from those sensations on the out breath- softening and opening up theses sensations. Say to yourself on the out breath, ‘It is ok. Whatever it is, it is ok. Let me feel it.’ Become aware of, and adjust your posture and facial expression.
As best you can, bring this expanded awareness to the next moments of your day.
I have found this mindful meditation very useful in helping me to be more in the moment. Give it a go Bob and let me know how you get on.
Remember Mindfulness matters,
Warm thoughts,
fi x