Fi Feehan

Lightworker and Guide for Unicorns.
Supporting people to discover their light and design a life of inner peace, contentment and moments of bliss.
Why Unicorns?
I read a blog post by Bryonie Wise and within this Bryonie describes how most of her life she had tried to act like all the other horses, she had tried to be like all the other horses – talk like a horse, walk like a horse, dress like a horse and think like a horse.
One enlightening day she realised she was not a horse but a unicorn and by trying to act like a horse she had dulled her horn and destroyed all her potential magic.
So she accepted her destiny of being a unicorn and now her horn shines brightly, her energy attracts so much love and kindness and she connects easily to other unicorns.
I accept being a unicorn and my gift in being able to connect with and guide other emerging and established, yet curious, unicorns.

Why I Can Serve You

Having completed a BSc in Psychology and Sociology and then a PGCE, I embarked upon a career as a teacher. With time I increasingly started to develop an interest in the emotional and social dimensions of children and young people. I became an adviser for Personal, Social and Health Education for my local authority. Through this role I worked within many areas linked to mental health such as bullying, domestic violence, protective behaviours and grief and loss. My role expanded to include Lead for Social and Emotional Learning, Circle Time, Citizenship, Behaviour Management and Parenting. I went on to become Commissioner for drug services for children and young people and Commissioner for mental health services for children and young people. I was also the Manager for the Healthy Schools Programme within my local authority and this became a major focus when I became the National Strategic Lead for Healthy Schools and policy advisor to government on health in children and young people.
My interest and training in a client centred approach to supporting people in managing change led me to discover the power of coaching and I embarked upon completing Personal Performance and Youth Impact coaching diplomas. I am also a Master Practitioner in NLP as well as attaining a certificate in Mindfulness as part of therapeutic practice.
I have two Master Degrees – one in education with a focus on loss and bereavement in children and young people and the other in educational research and evaluation. I also have a diploma in mentoring and a certificate in ASIST – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. I am certified in basic counselling skills. In 2017 I trained in, and achieved a certificate, for foundation level in Positive Psychology 2.
My curiosity and love of learning has led me to deepen my knowledge in human behaviour with a particular focus on positive psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness. My creative mind and intuitive coaching style supports my clients to deepen their insights about themselves and take action to transform their lives.

Connect With Me
If you have a question, thought or something simply to share then ping me an email. I will reply.