Some of the ways I can serve you

Discover your true purpose so life and work becomes effortless effort

Develop strategies, methods and actions for stress, anxiety and depression

Replace limiting beliefs with empowering, life and work enhancing beliefs

Overcome your fear of success or failure to build a business that serves with heart


  • Fully Show Up In Your Life As The Person You Truly Are. Wake most mornings knowing the meaning of your life
  • Have An Energised And Blooming Spirit. Ready to soar from participating in all that enriches it
  • Have Your Own Song. That you sing with love and self-compassion

'It is a nicely concise book which I could read again (& again). I felt that you were both brave in that you were totally open, honest & upfront, including your own personal experiences in life. It meant that I was immediately able to relate to that as it felt rather like friends sharing with and including me whilst at the same time sharing with each other. This made me feel comfortable & very much part of things. So I was drawn in right from the off.' - Val

Why live in a place of confusion, lostness, or bewilderment? Have clarity on what it is you are searching for- what is best you let go as it no longer serves you. 

Through my letters, Illuminations and other such seeds on my internet home, you will find resonance, understanding, strategies and ways of thinking to develop this clarity or know what it may be you let go.




Are You Ready To Uncover Your Light?

Click below to find out how Fi can serve you

How stress affects the body and mind.
Dear Bob, You ask for a greater understanding about stress and how it can affect the body and mind. So[...]
Roller Derby
Dear Roller Derby friend, I have now bought my quads and ready to join the Brighton Brawlers. It seems that[...]
A 3 minute mindfulness meditation
Dear Bob,   Well done for making your love list and regularly adding to it. I know it is amazing[...]
Mindfulness Matters
Dear Fi,   I know you are focusing on changing from more 'doing' to 'being'and you are doing this through[...]
Increasing your happiness
Dear Bob, Good to hear that you are using some of the strategies from my last correspondence. I do appreciate[...]
Sharing Mindfulness With Small Business Owners
Dear Fi,   Wow! What a week you have had. Sharing Mindfulness with the small business owners that you are[...]

Thoughts From My Community


I’ve struggled with a lack of self-love/ self-belief and I wanted to change my doubts in what I’m able to achieve and my own distorted outlook of myself. 

Fi’s coaching has taught me about the power of awareness. Now noticing my own negative voice, the way I hold myself and walk down the street, I’m gradually discovering that all of my learnt behaviours can be reinvented, and it’s not too late to be who I want to be. 

Learning to silence the inner doubts when applying for a job after a relocation helped get me a role which challenges and excites me. I’m learning to live in the now and adopt a more positive language when referring to myself. 

Fi made me feel comfortable and relaxed from the outset.

I always walked away from Fi’s sessions feeling a little more positive and with a fighting spirit. 


/ UK


I had for many years felt like I was sleep walking my way through life. I believed I was a victim with no control and that life just washed over me. I was living a safe existent which left me unhappy. Fi helped me at this time. Fi showed me genuine compassion and held a safe place for me so I could start my journey towards inner peace. Fi taught skills so I could affect positive change in my life. With Fi’s guidance I discovered my purpose. This has enabled me to live a life focused on what matters that being my core beliefs and values. I will always be grateful for the tools Fi has taught me to make positive change in my life. Fi has developed great skill to help others navigate their journey towards a happier and more fulfilling life


/ Hove


Fi has a knack for gently unblocking the thing that stands just in front of what I want. I had been feeling like a frustrated entrepreneur for years. I knew I wanted to have a business that fully represented me and be everything that I wanted to share with the world, and yet for some reason I kept creating businesses that were anything but. Fi was able to help me to delve deeper than I had before and to connect with the part of me that knew exactly what I wanted, and how I wanted to do it. Before long I felt like I was flying, and my new found confidence and creativity just continues to grow.


/ Hove


From my time with Fi I am more positive and enthusiastic about my future. I have more balance and know how to take care of myself so I don’t lose my balance. I have found my purpose and uncovered some limiting beliefs that were getting in the way. I now have tools to move forward and take the next step.


/ London


Fi is an absolutely brilliant visioning facilitator. She is so welcoming and her space is so comfortable, and I have thoroughly loved the whole “visioning” process. I didn’t even think I was a “creative” person yet I found myself relishing the sessions, looking forward to each one, and finding each session refreshing and exciting. I have learned things about myself and also clarified what I really want, which has been totally illuminating and I have already experienced many benefits in terms of manifesting abundance – my original aim! Thank you Fi – you rock!


/ Hove


Thanks for all your help Fi it’s been amazing journey and I have discovered bits about myself that i never knew where holding me back I will always will remain balanced.



Connect With Me

If you have a question, thought or something simply to share then ping me an email. I will reply.