A Powerful Process To Move You From Overwhelm To Clarity
Take time for yourself to engage in this two way process and uncover what is holding you back, as well as discover how you can move forward.
With this guide you will get...
- A carefully planned journey of discovery
- Well researched activities to bring you great clarity
- A simple two step approach to belief change
- Printable worksheets that enhance the process
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Frequently Asked Questions
How does this work?
There are two stages to be experienced. You will work through stage one first - '4 simple questions to uncover what is holding you back'. Then you will automatically receive stage two-'6 dynamic steps to move you forward.' You can write down your responses on the printed version of your download, in a journal or where you feel you can be most honest.
How much will this cost?
This is a completely free download designed to help you get an understanding of what might be holding you back from positive change in your life
Where should I do this?
Where you feel most comfortable. You will need between 15 minutes and an hour depending on how you choose to respond to the questions each day. You should remain distraction free for that time.
How do I know this has worked?
When you receive each guide, simply follow the instructions. At the end of stage one you will uncover a limiting belief that is holding you back, and at the end of stage two you will have a new, empowering belief to take you forward.
How do I know this is for me?
If there are patterns of behaviour that you would like to change, or you are frustrated with a part of your life, then this is for you.
What if I want to talk to you after?
As always, my door is open for you. Please feel free to share any discoveries, questions and comments with me. I can support you to clarify your limiting belief and put together the words for your empowering belief. Never think you have to work it out on your own.
Experiencing this two stage process will make a significant start for you in unleashing your potential. If you are experiencing mediocre relationships with yourself and others then this is the first step. The guides are a key to unlocking true self belief and generating an abundance of joy and happiness.
Fi Feehan FiFeehan.com
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- Guided questions to help understand where you are
- A gentle approach to self discovery
- Heart driven activities to help unlock your potential
- Printable worksheet for you to use as many times as you need